Changes in medical service
In the past few years, with the development of Internet and digital technology, many industries have greatly facilitated people's daily life by setting up online stores or WeChat mini-programs. Medical service is no exception. Nowadays, it is gradually becoming a reality that we can stay at home to be medically served online without going to the physical hospital. Specifically, I think the changes in medical service are reflected in the following three points.
Firstly, the perfection of medical system as well as its combination with the smart devices allows people to make an appointment in advance by using a portable phone or a mini-program inserted in the WeChat app anywhere. And it is also easy to cancel or change the time. Secondly, the pandemic of COVID-19 at the beginning of this year further promote the popularization of using online medical service instead of the offline one, because the former is an effective way to reduce the probability of exposing to the infectious disease. Lastly, medicine is a matter of people's livelihood, to speed up the implementation of the online medical service is encouraged by the government, whose aims is to help people solve the problem of difficulty in medical treatment. In addition, the cost of adopting the online medical service is certainly fewer than the traditional offline one.
All in all, in the next few years, the forms of medical service will continue to be changed and diversified and the combination form of online and offline is ideally predictable.
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