
Directions:For this part, you are alowed 30mimtes to write on the topic Changes in the Way ofEdcation.Youshoud write at least 120 words but no more than 80 words.
changes in the way of education
With the quickening pace of contemporary,.education plays a significant role in social development. It goes without saying that changes in the way of education have penetrated in our day-to-day lif.As for it individuals'viewpoint varies.
For a nmber of teachers and educators, they have changed the taditional way of education and introdced new educational concepts,such as flipped classoom. And modem educational technology has been integrated with more diversified elements.For an ddition,the change fom the traditional way of education focusing on theprocss of teching and leaming to the modern way of education focusing on knowledge theory and leaming experienceis also abreaktrough in the reform of educational methods,so that learners can acepteducation hapiy and fl in love wih beng educated. No sooner had we realized the significance of changes in the way of education. than we could appeal to othes topay moreattention to it.And bearing this necessity n mnd, we will mprove the curent situation btter.
【解析】本次题目难度适中,理解角度可以多元化,从而进行行文,本次题目的考查形式与2018年 12月份 the challenges of living in a big city 非常相似,可从题干内容入手分析特性方可行文。

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