在第三部分,雅思考官期待的答案说白了就两个关键词:ORGANIZED & DEVELOPED。也就是说,考官会希望考生能就所问问题给出一段有条理的充分论述。要做到上述两点,我们可以尝试如下结构:Topic SentencePoint One+ Development OnePoint Two + Development Two也就是说,遇到任何一个问题,我们都尝试着先给出一个主题句,把问题大致回答一下。
首先,主题句。这个应该不难,遇到不同类型的问题,我们可以考虑如下句子作为主题句(注意黑体字部分为答题时的引入语,可适当选用):- Is X Important?- Definitely!/ I think X is definitely necessary!/ Well, apparently X is of great importance!- Is X different from Y?- As far as I am see, the difference is obvious./ What I believe is that they are different in many ways.- Agree or Disagree?- Well, I cannot agree more!/ To tell the truth, I can’t see any possibility in that./ I suppose I can only agree with that to a limited extent.- What are the advantages of X?- I guess (a certain group of people) can benefit a lot by doing so. / I believe that X brings various merits./ To my mind, the positive influence can be evident.- Why...?- I think there could be various reasons./ To my knowledge, this can be attributed to various factors./ Obviously, there are both subjective and objective reasons. 别的问题可以依此类推。
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