顾名思义,使用这个办法的时候,考生要尝试将考官提问的主题分成不同的层次来回答。举个例子来说明,假如考官问我们这个问题:What makes a good teacher? 很多考生反应都会会是”Responsibility!”, “Knowledge!”或者”Humor!”然后就不知道该说什么了。稍有展开意识的同学可能会想着在后面加一个解释”because responsible teachers can always be helpful”, “because a teacher with enough knowledge can teach us more”或者”because humorous teachers can make the classes really attractive”。 如果想让自己的答案更加充实一点呢,我们可以考虑把这个问题的主题:teacher分分层。那当然我们会想到primary school teachers, secondary school teachers, and college professors。 进一步想下,是不是可以这样组织这个问题的答案:Well, I believe that there could be different requirements for different teachers. Like primary school teachers should be loving and caring, so that the kids would accept them and learn from them. Secondary school teachers should be understanding, and capable of pacifying students’ emotions, becauce teenagers are forever rebellious and need someone to lead them in the right way. As for college professors, knowledge and personal charm are what make them popular among their students who are old enough not to easily adore or trust anybody. 这样一来,一个答案就出炉了。之所以说这个答案,仍然是胜在它的充实性和逻辑性。
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