那么雅思文章该怎么读呢?首先,我们来看看雅思权威考官Vanessa Jakeman和Clare McDowell两位专家是怎么说的:“When you go to university or college you may be overwhelmed by the amount of reading you are expected to do. You will have to do a lot of this reading on your own and you will need to be able to read discriminatingly. This means you will need to have the skills required to focus in on the information that is important to you and to skim through the information that isn’t.”按照他们的说法,雅思阅读就是考察学生在读长文章时筛选信息的能力,即read discriminately,知道哪些是重要信息必须细读,哪些是无用的,可以忽略。雅思考题的设计思路不仅是为了测试考生的语言水平,更在于帮助考生培养起一套适合英联邦大学教学观念的学习方法。在英国念文科的同学都会有这样一种共识,那就是一学期要看很多书,写很多essay,有的同学虽然很刻苦,整日地泡在图书馆里做书虫,但还是读不完reading list中的必读书。再对比周围英国同学,他们不见得比我们刻苦,却很能掉书袋,写出的essay理论功底更深。
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