
Diretions:For this part,you are allowed30mimtes towie onthe topic Changes in the Way ofTransportation.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
Changes in the Way of Transportation
Driven by the continuous advancement of mobil technology and devicesas wellas the popularty of mobile payments. great changeshappen to the ways of tansportation in people'sday-to-day lif.New fors of transports.say,shared bicycles and cars,or onliecar-hailing. are emerging at a rate that people could no longer ignore.
Admittedly,the merits asociated are obvious.Peoplenowadays could wait comfrtably in their homes afer hailing a taxi merely trough ther smart phones.And the ferce competition among different service providers,meanwhile。 guarantees apopula pric.Thus,the consumers stand to beneft fom such favorable conditions.Also,the negative impacts ofsuch newly sprouted tings have increasingly drawn ourattention.such as the secuity ise.which, fortumately,isunder betercontrol now
Therei no rose without is thorns.so we ought to wiselytakeadvantage ofthes newways oftransportation. Hopefilly, we, when changes take place could always seiz the iiativein hands.

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