Part I Translate the following passage into Chinese:40 points
In sociology,the word"theory"is used much as it is used in everyday life.The Shorter Oxyford Dictionary has a large space to offer several definitions of the term, including one which might suit more precisely an academic discipline such as sociology:"A scheme or system of ideas or statements held as an explanation or account of a group of facts or phenomena;..a statement of what are held to be the general laws,principles,or causes of something knowm or observed".In sociology the phenomena to be observed, quite obviously, are social phenomena, that is,its theory focuses on the relationships and interaction(othe-related practices)between human beings:
Theory in sociology includes any intentionally constructed set of statements which can meet the following criteria:
(1)They must be abstract,that is,they must be separated from the social practices which they address.Theory usually achieves abstraction by the
development of special and technical concepts whichare used only within the sociological community.
(2)They must be logically consistent.The statements must not contradict one another and,if possible,should be deducible from one another.
(3)They must be explanatory.Theory must constitute a thesis or argument about social phenonena which can account for their form, or substance, or existence.
(4)They must be general.They must,in principle,apply to, and be able to account for any and all instances of the phenomena which they seek to explain.
(5)They must be independent.They must not be reducible to the explanations participants themselves offer for their owm behaviour.
(6)They must be substantively valid.They must be consistent with what is knom about the social world both by its participants and by sociologists and other social scientists.At a minimum there must be"rules of translation'which can connect the theory with other bodies of knowledge.
Part I Translate the following passage into English:35 points
PartllI Writing:75 points
T here are frequent occasions in our life when we ought to saysorry to somebody else for our speech or deeds.Does apology merely amounts to the loss of one's face?Please write a composition of no less than 400 words on this topic.Marks will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.Suggested title:On Apology in 0ur Life
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