
How many in your party?你们有几位?
Who's the booking for?请问预订人的姓名是?
I'd like to book a room, please.我想订房。
All rooms are unavailable.所有房间有订满了。
What is the check-out time?退房时间是几点?
How long will you stay with us?请问您住几天?
How much is it per night?请问每天的价格是多少?
I'd prefer a quiet room.我想要一个安静点的房间。
Is the hot water available anytime?热水时随时供应吗?
Does the hotel have a swimming pool?酒店有游泳池吗?
I'd like a room with a view.我想要一个风景较好的房间。
What kind of room would you like?您想要什么类型的房间?
How about your hotel's facilities?请问贵酒店有什么设施?
I'd like to order room service.我需要食物送到房间的服务。
How much is a double room per night?一个双人间的客房每晚多少钱?
I am sorry, no elite room is available.很抱歉,我们没有商务客房了。
When would you like to have the room madam?您想要什么时候的房间呢?
Can I get your name and phone number?能告诉我你的名字和电话号码吗?
How much is the charge of king size room per night?大床房多少钱一晚?
I'll be staying from March 16th to March 25th.我将从3月16号呆到3月25号。
We will be staying from tuesday for three nights.我们从星期二开始住三晚。
I would like to reserve a single room for tonight.我想要一间今晚的单人房。
Excuse me,Is there a room available for tonight?请问今天晚上有没有空的房间?
From what date and how many nights will you be staying?要哪天的,您想住几晚?
Excuse me,Do you have a room available for tonight?请问今天晚上有没有空的房间?
Excuse me,Do you have rooms available for tonight?请问今天晚上有没有空的房间?
I'd like to make a dinner reservation for tomorrow at 7:30.我想订一张明天七点半的晚餐。
It includes housekeeping and use of the gym facilities.费用包括房间整理和健身器材使用费。
What is the price per night? ls free breakfast included?住一晚要多少块钱?房价里包早餐吗?
We have a free breakfast buffet every morning from 6am-9am.我们每天从早上6点到9点有免费的早餐自助餐。
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