【摘要】谈论雅思口语话题时,我们总是需要描述情感,尤其是Part 2部分,最后一个拓展点大多会涉及到“how you felt about it”,接下来环球青藤小编就一起谈谈雅思口语如何多样地描述不同的情感。
整体而言,谈到感受,我们会想到积极和消极方面。积极方面,经常会涉及到relaxed /happy / excited / impressed。
说到放松,大家首先会脱口而出的是relax,例如:I love listening to music when I spend time by myself. It’s a great way to relax. 除了relax, 我们还可以用以下表达:→to chill out注:chill 这个词作动词时可以指“使(变冷)”,所以chill out可以指彻底放松,镇静。E.g. I'm just chilling out in front of the TV.
to unwind / wind down 注:使用这个词组时,首先要注意wind的发音是/waɪnd/,而非/wɪnd/。E.g. A glass of wine in the evening helps me to unwind after work.
to recharge your batteries注:这个词组从字面理解是“充电”,但它并不是指学习充电,更多指的是放松休整、恢复精力。
to take sb’s mind off sth 结合口语话题,在聊很多休闲活动时(例如:fishing / running / going to a park/ break),我们都会谈到放松这一情感,例如:Part 1部分谈到 “Why do people go fishing ?”我们就可以聊到: Some people go fishing to recharge their batteries. It’s a great way to unwind. We can take our mind off all things.
2、Happy & excited
同样谈到开心时,大家可能脑海中浮现只是happy, 其实很多时候, happy这个词可能不足以描述当时激动兴奋的心情,我们还可以通过以下表达来丰富:Ø Be over the moonØ Be on cloud nineØ Be thrilled to bitsØ Be exhilarated.Ø It made my day.
结合口语话题Part 1-gifts, 我们就可以说: I was over the moon with the gift. 同样在Part 2事件类话题-描述兴奋的经历,例如: I gave a solid performance in the dance contest. It made my day.
我们在表达令人印象深刻时,经常会说:This was a veryimpressive performance. 或者 I was impressed by the performance.除此之外,我们还可以借助以下表达来丰富:Ø It blew my mind.注: blow my mind 这个表达也可以有形容词的形式: mind-blowing (adj.令人印象深刻的,令人惊奇的),例如:The special effects in this film are pretty mind-blowing.Ø It blew me away.注:这个表达也可以切换成被动: I was blown away by…
结合口语话题,Part 2-描述看演出的经历,我们就可以说:I was particularly blown away by his extraordinary performance on the stage.
以上是积极方面的情感,我们在描述经历时,也经常会涉及消极方面,例如(angry / impatient / anxious), 篇幅关系,接下来我们就一起看看还有哪些表达可以谈论生气这一情感。
Get on sb’s nerves 注: 这个词组更多指的是令某人心烦,类似于to annoy sb a lot.E.g. Please stop making that noise! It really gets on my nerves.Ø To fly off the handle注:这个词组指的是“大发雷霆”E.g. He's extremely irritable - he flies off the handle at the slightest thing.Be beside myself with anger
结合口语话题Part 2-描述别人给你道歉的经历,例如:A couple of weeks ago, my classmate borrowed my camera and then lost it. Initially, I was beside myself with anger. Usually, I’m not the one to fly off the handle, but I took lots of photos with the camera and it had sentimental value for me.
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