
1.C. The Tuskegee Airmen
2.C. Shocked
3.A. refused to give up his seat to a white passenger
4. D. 1948
5.A. In World War 2, they never lost a bomber to enemy fire.
6. D. The Costa Concordia Salvage
7.A. turn over
8. C. abandoning his post.
9. D. As a common means of righting wrecked ships, parbuckling had never been carried out on a vessel of the Concordia's size.
10.A. It will be pulled away to be broken up for scrap metal.
11.D. The oil industry.
12.B. Europeans figured out ways to use coffee during the 1670s.
13.D. coffee actually influenced the rise of business.
14.B. became very successful.
15.C. How Coffee Influenced the Course of History
16. A. who 17. D. what 18. B. can the driver be19. C. Criticized 20. C. on 21. D steps22.A mystery23. A entertaining24. B. replaced25. D No, I don’t 26. A. nor can we afford it 27.A. for me to play tennis with28. A. realized 29. C. unless30. B. closing. D. late 32. B. rains33.A. The; a 34. B. agrees 35. D. had worked36. B. about37. B. high38. A. lend 39. D. point out40. D. in fact41. B sentence42. A. densely43. B. preparing 44. C. will have found45. D. which
46. B. are depended 47. B. the largest city 48. C. their 49. A. going 50. C. walking in 51. B. why/for which 52. B. an old friend of mine 53. A. It 54. B. hundred of 55. D. better
56. B. while 57. A. along 58. C. when 59. A. waiting 60. D. opposite 61. B. hungry 62. C. crowded 63. A. dividing 64. C. indicate 65. D. continued 66. B. ignored 67. C. took 68. B. but 69. A. off 70. A. beat 71. D. Instead of 72. C. movements 73. B. through 74. D. Before 75. A. following
76. 你会为了一个把你看作二等公民的国家拼命吗?
77. 这些士兵们完全被按照种族来划分,两个种族之间无法交流。
78. 甲板上的4200个人中的大多数安全登陆,但是有30多人在这场灾难中丧生。
79. 工人们一直在等待有利的天气条件展开行动。
80. 从一个更普遍的层面上来说,它帮助我们塑造历史,并持续不断地塑造我们的文化。
81. During the summer holiday, the children paid a visit to a farm.
82. We are hurrying to the airport to pick up Mr. Smith.
83. They don't know how to cope with pressure.
84. The film I saw yesterday is a true story.
85. As usual, they are late again.
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