
【提示:各地区成人学位英语报名时间、考试时间不同,为避免错过,建议大家填写 免费预约短信提醒服务,届时会及时收到2022年成人学位英语报名时间、考试时间等重要讯息提醒!】
He told me that a highway was being built here.
Good medicine tastes bitter.
This material feels very soft.
This pen doesn't write well.
此类动词不多,常见的有cut, lock, open, peel, read, sell, shut, wash, wear, write 等。
1. Last night,on his way home,he was ____________ on the head by something hard.
A. striked B. stroke C. struck D. striken
2. “Did you say that our neighbor ________________ in the accident?”
A. badly hurt B. was badly hurted C. was badly hurt D. had badly hurted
3. While I ____________ my spectacles, I _____________ a pen.
A. was looking for … found B. was looking for … looked for
C. was finding … found D. was finding … looked for
4. If she doesn't tell him the truth now,he'll simply keep on asking her until she __________.
A. does B. has done C. will do D. would do
5. While people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news,it is unlikely that television _______________ the newspaper completely.
A. replaced B. have replaced C. replace D. will replace
6. She ought to stop work. She has a headache because she ______________ too long.
A. has been reading B. had read C. is reading D. read
7. By the end of this month,we surely ____________ a satisfactory solution to the problem.
A. will have found B. have found C. will be finding D. are finding
8. We ______________ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.
A. just have had B. had just had C. just had D. have just had
9. Our school ___________ for the summer at the end of June.
A. to be closed B. closing C. closes D. to close
10. Send for a doctor quickly. The old man __________.
A. will die B. is dying C. dies D. died
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