① Mr Li told Mr Lin that he was wrong.
这里的 he 既可指林先生,也可指李先生,含糊不清。应该改为 ②或③:
② Mr Li said to Mr Lin, "I am wrong."
③ Mr Li said to Mr Lin, "You are wrong."
④ The man leaned over the bench for hours working on the plan. It was too low to be comfortable.
这里的代词 it 离开名词 the bench 太远,结果关系不清楚,因为在位置上,它更适合指引 the plan.在这种情况下,只好避开 it,而用名词,即 the bench.
三、避免滥用指示代词“this, that”或关系代词“who, which, that”泛指上文的内容。例如:
⑤ Tom's brother is an accountant, and this is the profession everyone envies."
这里的 this 指“accountant”。“会计师”是一种专业人士,和后头的“专业”(profession)并不相称,因此要把 this 改为 accountancy(会计工作),才合句子的意思。
⑥ The profit from the business was large, which I realised sometime later.
这里的“which I realised sometime later”是句形容词分句,应该出现在先行词后面,不应该脱离出来而独立。如果要用它来修饰全句话,更不合逻辑,应该改为⑦或⑧:
⑦ I realised sometime later that the profit from the business was large.(主句 + 名词分句)
⑧ The profit from the business was large. I realised this (matter) sometime later.(单句 + 单句)
四、避免用代名词“they, you, it”影射脑子里的事物,如:
⑨ In Singapore, it relies heavily on tourism as a source of national revenue.
这里的 it 指向什么呢?如果是心目中的“政府”或“旅游促进局”,那就要明言,不要用不清不楚的 it:
⑩ In Singapore, the government……
11. In Singapore, the Tourist Promotion Board……
12. In less industrialised countries, they do not know the problems of urban development.
这里的代名词 they 是不是指 the people(人民)?如果是就用吧。In less industrialised countries, the people……过后,要再提这主语时,才用 they:……the people……They are only interested in their daily life.
13. In less industrialised countries, the problems of urban development are not known
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