birth control n. 节育
birth defect 生理缺陷
birth rate 人口出生率
virgin birth n.[宗]童贞女之子,[动]孤雌生殖,单性生殖
give birth 使诞生;生(孩子)
birth canal 产道
birth trauma 产伤
live birth n.婴儿安全出生
birth certificate 出生证明
birth pangs n. (分娩时之)阵痛, [喻]创业之难
breech birth n. 臀位分娩
place of birth 【法】 出生地
posthumous birth 【医】 死后生产
Abraham Lincoln was a man of humble birth.林肯出身低微
I'm an American by birth.我是土生的美国人。
The Christian era is counted from the birth of Christ.公元是从基督的生年算起的。
A horoscope for the time of one's birth.算命天宫图人出生时间的天宫画
Mrs. Johnson gave Birth to a Baby Boy.强生太太生了一个男宝宝。
n. 面包,饼干
ship biscuit n. 硬饼干
dog biscuit n. 喂狗的硬饼干, 军中配给的硬饼干
pilot biscuit n. (供海员,军人食用的)压缩饼干,硬饼干
soda biscuit n. 苏打饼干
tea biscuit n. 配茶的小点心
A biscuit flavored with ratafia.果味酒饼干一种具有果味酒味的饼干
Biscuits bake quickly.饼干烘得很快。
This biscuit eats short.这种饼干吃起来很松脆。
I caught her with her fingers in the biscuit tin.我看见她手指还在饼干盒里呢.
He Bought a Baker's dozen of Biscuits.他买了13块饼干
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