1. Give a brief introduction of your college please
2. Please briefly introduce your undergraduate school
关键词:introduction, undergraduate school, college
2、学校的特色/你喜欢的地方 (挑选1-2个)
3、 结束语
My undergraduate school is学校名字. During the past three years, many things in campus have left me deep impressions. Due to the landform of 学校所在的城市名字,there are学校的某个风景特点(这句也可以换成人文等,灵活处理),which make me feel 针对前句的感受. There are 学校特点2 inmy university,对特点2的描述. The learning atmosphere in this University also attracts me very much. I often saw students reciting English words or reading aloud in some corers in the morning. Although many people maybe don't know much about 学校名, it indeed brought me a lot of precious memories and made me who l am now.(如果是名校,就不用这句)
我本科学校是 。在过去的三年多时间里,很多事情都给我留下了深刻印象。由于 的缘故,学校里经常有 。这所学校学生的学习氛围也很感染我,几乎每天早上都能看到有同学在各个安静的小角落背单词和早读。虽然在很多人的眼里, 并不是一所很有名的学校,但是它带给我很多美好回忆,是它造就了现在的我。
My undergraduate school is xx University, located in xx, xx Province. During the past three years, many things in campus have left me deep impressions. Due to the landform of Neijiang, there are various slopes in campus, which make me feel like doing physical exercises on the way to the classroom. There are two libraries in my university, one is on the top of the hill and the other is outside the school gate, which is very special. The learning atmosphere in this University also attracts me very much. I often saw students reciting English words or reading aloud in some corners in the morning. Although many people maybe don't know much about xx University, it indeed brought me a lot of precious memories and made me who I am now.
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