
2021年MEM考研初试已经结束,考研成绩预计会在2021年2月底陆续公布,为避免错过成绩查询时间,考生可以 免费预约短信提醒服务,届时可提前收到成绩查询时间提醒短信。
47. Directions:
Suppose you are organizing an online meeting. Write an email to Jack, an international student, to
1) invite him to participate, and
2) tell him the details,You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not use your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead.(10 points)
Dear Jack,
On behalf of the council of the meeting, I am honorable to inform you there is going to an online meeting next week. I am writing to ask if you are available to participate in this meeting at 10:00 a.m. on next Sunday.
Some detailed information concerning this meeting can be listed as below. The subject of the meeting, initially, is regarding how to improve students’ study efficiency. To continue, the meeting will last approximately 2 hours, including participants’ speeches, discussion and our president’s summary. More importantly, the meeting will be held via the Internet, so it is necessary for all the participants to prepare for a P.C. or a mobile phone.
I sincerely hope that you could give me honor to attend this meeting. Your prompt attention to my email would be highly appreciated. I am looking forward to your response.
Yours truly,
Li Ming
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