Elasticity is a term used a lot in economics todescribe the way one thing changes in a givenenvironment in response to another variable thathas a changed value.
For example, the quantity of a specific product soldeach month changes in response to themanufacturer alters the product's price.
A more abstract way of putting it that means pretty much the same thing is that elasticitymeasures the responsiveness of one variable in a given environment to a change in anothervariable, which in this instance is a change in price.
Or you could also say it measures "the sensitivity" of that variable.
Often, e conomists speak of a demand curve, where the relationship between price and demandvaries depending upon how much or how little one of the two variables is changed.
Some Examples of Elasticity and Inelasticity
It's not surprising when a manufacturer substantially increases a product's price, that consumerdemand should diminish.
Many common items, such as aspirin, are widely available from any number of sources.
In such cases, the product's maker raises the price at its own risk -- if the price rises even alittle, some shoppers might stay loyal to the specific brand -- at one time, Bayer nearly had alock on the U.S. aspirin market -- but many more consumers would probably seek the sameproduct from another manufacturer at the lower price.
In such instances, the demand for the product is highly elastic and such instances e conomistsnote a high sensitivity of demand.
But in other instances, the demand is not elastic at all.
Water, for example, is usually supplied in any given municipality by a single quasi-governmental organization, often along with electricity.
When something consumers use daily, such as electricity or water, has a single source, thedemand for the product may continue even as the price rises -- basically, because the consumerhas no alternative.
Interesting 21st Century Complications
Another strange phenomenon in price/demand elasticity in the 21st century has to do withthe Internet.
The New York Times has noted, for instance, that Amazon often changes prices in ways that arenot directly responsive to demand, but rather to the ways consumers order the product -- aproduct that cost X when initially ordered may be filled at X-plus when reordered, often whenthe consumer has initiated automatic re-ordering.
The actual demand, presumably, hasn't changed, but the price has.
Airlines and other travel sites commonly change the price of a product based on an algorithmicestimation of some future demand, not a demand that actually exists when the price ischanged.
Some travel sites, USA and others have noted, put a cookie on the consumer's computer whenthe consumer first inquires about the cost of a product; when the consumer checks again, thecookie raises the price, not in response to a general demand for the product, but in responseto a single consumer's expression of interest.
These situations do not at all invalidate the principle of price elasticity of demand. Ifanything, they confirm it, but in interesting and complicated ways.
In summary:
Price/demand elasticity for common products is generally high.
Price/demand elasticity where the good has only a single source or a very limited number ofsources is typically low.
External situations may create rapid changes in the price elasticity of demand for almost anyproduct with low elasticity.
Digital capabilities, such as "demand pricing" on the Internet, can affect price/demand in waysthat were unknown in the 20th century.
How to Express Elasticity as a Formula
Elasticity, as an economics concept,can be applied to many different situations, each with itsown variables. In this introductory article, we've briefly surveyed the concept of the priceelasticity of demand. Here's the formula:
Price Elasticity of Demand (PEoD) = (% Change in Quantity Demanded/ (% Change in Price)
需求价格弹性( PEoD ) = ( 需求量变化的百分比/ (价格变化的百分比)
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