In the context of the global economic recession, where is the future of financial innovation, and will the development of the financial system be sustainable? The prestigious economist, Nobel Laureate, Robert C. Merton will use Retirement Funding as an example to illustrate all the major issues related to the fortune of the nation and the personal destiny of you and me.
Event Information
Topic:SeLFIES-A Globally Applicable Bond Innovation to Improve Retirement Funding and Lower Government Financing Cost
Date:Thursday, Oct.18, 2018
Time:19:00- 20:30
Venue:Auditorium Alibaba,Guanghua Building 2, Peking University
Guest Speaker
Robert C. Merton
默顿教授不仅学术造诣极高,还是学以致用的典范。他目前还担任德明信基金管理公司(Dimensional Holdings,Inc.)的高级顾问,并且还是该公司养老基金管理策略的创始人。
Professor Robert C. Merton is the School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management and John and Natty McArthur University Professor Emeritus at Harvard University.
Professor Merton received the Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1997 for a new method to determine the value of derivatives. He has also been recognized for translating finance science into practice. His research focuses on finance theory, including lifecycle and retirement finance, optimal portfolio selection, capital asset pricing, pricing of derivative securities, credit risk, loan guarantees, financial innovation, the dynamics of institutional change, and improving the methods of measuring and managing macro-financial risk.
Not only is Professor Merton very academically accomplished, he is also very good at putting the theories into practice. He is currently Resident Scientist at Dimensional Fund Advisors, where he is the creator of Target Retirement Solution, a global integrated retirement-funding solution system.
Qiao Liu
刘俏,北京大学光华管理学院院长,金融学系教授、博士生老师,证监会第十七届发审委委员。他于2013年获得国家自然科学基金杰出青年奖,2014年获教育部长江学者特聘教授。他在公司金融,实证资产定价、市场微观结构和中国经济研究等方面拥有众多著述,发表在《金融经济学期刊》,《金融和数量分析期刊》,《管理科学》,《会计研究期刊》,《经济学期刊》等顶级学术期刊。此外,刘俏教授最近出版的英文书籍包括Corporate China 2.0: The Great Shakeup以及Finance in Asia: Institutions, Regulation and Policy。
Qiao Liu,Professor of Finance and Dean in the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.He is a leading authority in finance in China, and is recognized for his academic works in Corporate Finance, Financial Markets, and the Chinese Economy. Prof. Liu has published abundant articles at leading academic journals including
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