Text A Heart Disease:Treat or Prevent?
1. pend 时间/金钱/经历on sth./doing sth. 花时间、金钱、经历做某事
2. Emphasis on sth. 强调什么(名词词组)
3. Associate sb./sth. with sb./sth. 把什么与什么联系在一起
4. Take place 发生
5. Enable sb. to do sth.
6. Benefit from 受益于
7. Advantage 优势(n.); disadvantage 劣势(n.)
8. Be encouraged to do sth. 被鼓励去做某事
9. Pay attention to sb./sth./doing sth. 注意
10. As a result of sth. 作为什么的结果
11. Tend to do sth. 倾向去做某事
12. Rely on sb./sth. 依赖某人/某事
13. Take responsibility for sth./sb. 对某人或某事负责
14. Succeed in doing sth. 成功作某事
15. Be aware of 意识到
1. he death rate from the disease has been increasing at an alarming speed for the past thirty years.
2. Die of 死于疾病;die from 死于外因
3. 时态题:Many operations that were considered impossible a few years ago are now performed every day in U.S. hospitals.
4. 时态题:In the recent past, medical researchers have begun to emphasize the fact that heart disease is associated with(与什么相联系) stress, smoking and a lack of(缺少) exercise.
5. Many are paying more attention to reducing stress in their lives.
6. The number of smokers in the United States is now far(副词用来强调) below the level of twenty years ago as many people succeed in breaking the habit and as fewer people take it up.
7. Benefit 受益(n.或v.); beneficial 受益的(adj.)
8. Increase 增加;decrease 减少
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