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  1.Children should begin their formal schooling at an early age

  People have different views on what children should do at a very early age. Some think that children should begin their formal education and start to spend most of their time on studies. Others believe that it is still time for young children to play. Both views are based on respective ground.

  Those who argue for the playing time for childern suggest that children at a very early age are still too young to focus their attention on learning. Their brain may not be ready for serious studies such as comprehension and memorizing learning materials. These people are partially right, for it is true that young childern can hardly concentrate. Their attention on one thing lasts for no longer than 15 minutes or so. But we can arrange classes for shorter periods, can’t we? And we can shift teaching subjects. Through putting them to study, young children are occupied with learnging but not with playing.

  Those who argue for chilldren’s earyly commencement for formal education believe that being put to studies, children can develop good habit of studying, for the process of learning helps develop children’s mental abilities like the ability to memorize, the ability to understand and the ability to do simple calculation. Children’s habit of studying and love for learning are of great importance to youngsters because these two things set up the sound foundation for their future studies.

  Having children start formal education at a very early age benefits young childern much more than simply letting them play most of their time. A good habits needs a long time to develop to become a second nature. More importantly, it is better to develop a good habit before a bad one may grow. Similarly, the love for learning should take toots for before the love for playing is established.

  1. Should a person make an important decision alone?

  A person should never make an important decision alone, important decisions should be well thought out. People who know you well, know what is best for you, and close to you can give you good advice, give you a different prespective, or share their own experience.

  When I had difficulty deciding which classes to take in collage, I talked to my teachers and advisors, they had the knowledge and expertise to help me determine which classes were the best ones to take for my future career. Without their advice, I might have chosen unsuitable courses.

  In collage, I had convinced myself that I was not good enough to act in the school play. Therefore, I decided not to audition even though drama had always been my passion. The day of the auditon, a friend of mine asked me why I was not auditioning. When I told her I did not feel I was good enough, she was shocked, she was able to provide me with another perspectiove on myself and my talents. I rethought my decision and tried out….and got a lead in the play.

  Last year when I was trying to decide whether or not I should study overseas, I talked to my friend. This was the best thing I could have done. This was a big decisition for me because I had never been overseas on my own and I was not sure if I could do it. She had studied overseas the precious year. She told me about the challenges and opportunities I might encourter and helped me make the right decision. I went and it was amazing.

  Whenever I am faced with an important decision, I seek advice from others so that I am well-informed and have the benefit of their perspectiove and experience.



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