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  67. It was not long before he regained his consciousness. (conscious)

  68. He is a comparative silent boy. But when he speaks, what he says always makes sense. (compare)

  69. He is qualified for the job. (qualify)转自环 球 网 校edu24ol.com

  70. He had been seriously ill for a long time, but his doctor managed to bring him through. (serious)

  71. The lucky passenger held right to the rail of the bus and didn't fall down and hurt himself. (luck)

  72. My cousin is afraid that his future will be affected by his father's final decision. (decide)

  73. Some scientists think that day dreaming can help you to shape your future. (dream)

  74. The project was doomed to failure because of the badly organizational work. (fail)

  75. Caps in hand, they filed slowly past the grave of their respectable leader at the cemetery. (respect)

  76. Jim's health broke down from over work on the farm. (healthy)

  77. The president's security men did their best to keep the crowd back from him, but in vain. (secure)

  78. Much to my relief, my lose friends survived the earthquake in Japan. (relieve)

  79. Since he always keeps silent no matter what I recommend, I can only interpret it as a refusal. (refuse)

  80. That is an objective description, which in fast, is not influenced by my subjective impression. (object)

  81. His funny gestures were greeted with roars of laughters. (fun)

  82. Their appreciation of performance was expressed in high cheers. (perform)

  83. Her qualification exceed the job requirements. (qualify)转自环 球 网 校edu24ol.com

  84. The more emotion the reading arouses, the deeper the impression on the learner. (impress)

  85. The measures taken by the government failed to reduce unemployment. (employment)

  86. The judge told the witness that his remarks were beside the point. (wit)

  87. Bill' s father told him to bear in mind that his allowance had to last all week. (allow)



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