1.statistics: n 统计数字;keep statistics; statistical: a 统计的;statistician: n 统计员
2. diplomat: n 外交家,由此联想得到:
diplomacy: n 外交,外交手腕;diplomatic: a 外交的;请对比:diploma: 文凭
3. exploit: v 开
exploitable: a 可开发的;exploited: a 被开发的;exploitation : n
1). The workers in capitalist countries are cruelly exploited by the capitalists.
2). There are laws against the exploitation of child labor.
3). His highly exploitable talent can''t create wealth for society if he doesn''t make great efforts.
4. abuse: v/n 滥用,如: abuse one''s authority 滥用职权
5. execute: v 实行、执行,将…处死,由此联想得到:
executive: a执行的,决策权的,n 行政领导 CEO=chief executive officer首席执行官;execution: n 执行、实行。
1). You shouldn''t be slow in the _____ of your duties.
2). The soldiers ____ the captain''s orders as soon as they received the call.
3). After the discussion of the ____ committee, the labor law was put into force in may, 1994.
Answers: execution, executed, executive
6. guilt: n 有罪、内疚;guilty: a 内疚的;guiltless: a 无罪的
7. employee: n 雇员;由此联想得到:
employ: v 雇佣;employment: n 雇佣;employed: a 被雇的,有工作的;unemployed: a 失业的;employer: n 雇主
1). The police ______ force to break up the crowd.
2). Many ____ were thrown out of job as a result.
3). Business activities were greatly reduced and almost 60% of the workers were out of ______.
4). During the Depression, many workers were ______.
Answers: employed, employees, employment, unemployed
8. immigrant: a 移民的,n 移民;immigrate: v ; immigration: n
1). During the gold rush, California attracted many immigrants from other states.
2). Many Italians immigrated to the United States and Canada.
3). In the 1980s, a law against the immigration of Asian peoples was put into practice.
9. deport: v 驱逐出境,由此联想得到:
port: 港口;import:进口;export:出口;airport:空港;passport:通行证,护照
10. be deserving of 值得、应得
His efforts are certainly deserving of praise.
New words from text B
11. deny : v 否认,拒绝接受,后接doing.
He denied lying to us.
12. ineffective: a无效的,反义词:effective.
13. watch over: 看护、看管。
They use specially trained dogs to watch over their sheep at night.
14. in unison: 一致地,协调地
They sang Happy Birthday to me in unison.
15. pay back: 偿还,报复,回报
1). If you lend me 50 Yuan, I will pay you back on Friday.
2). I''ll pay him back for the trick he played on me.
Analyze the important sentences among the text:
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